Sunday, May 4, 2008

Solaris printer administration

Configuring Print Clients
There are a couple of utilities you can use to create print clients:

Admintool -- to be used for Solaris 2.6 and Solaris 7
The printmgr utility in Solaris 8 (in /usr/sadm/admin/bin)
However, they both execute the same commands:

# lpadmin -p banana -s server!remote-queue
Note that:
# enable banana
# accept banana
banana is the queue you are creating to print to on the client.
server is the machine you are sending the print job to.
remote-queue is the name of the print queue on the machine you are sending the print job to.
If the remote-queue is the same as the queue you are creating on the client then you won't need the !remote-queue part of the command.

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[user@hostfwnms1-oam tmp]# cat printf "%-26s %-19s %-8s %-8s %-s %-s\n" HOSTNAME IP PING SNMPWALK 0-ok 1-fail for i in `cat n...