Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Legato networker volumes not registered

When networker marks volumes as not registered in the NetWorkwe media data base indicated with a * next to the volume name in the output from nsrjb, you can use scanner to rebuild both the media and online file indexes for the effected volume(s).

load the volume in a drive:

$: nsrjb | grep volume_name

$: 39: volume_name
slot number in jb

$: nsrjb -ln -S 39 -f /path/to/device (/dev/rmt/0cbn 1cbn 2cbn ...)
(/path/to/device should be for the device which is known by NetWorker)

rewind the tape

$: mt -f /path/to/device rewind
(if you used /dev/rmt/0cbn above use /dev/rmt/0 here)

scan the volume with the -i (india) option

$: scanner -i /path/to/device (/dev/rmt/0cbn 1cbn 2cbn ...)
(/path/to/device should be for the device which is known by NetWorker)

you can check the media data bank with mminfo to determine if the voulme entries were recovered.

mminfo -r 'client,savetime' -q volume=volume_name

eject the volume and return it to the jb

nsrjb -u -f /path/to/device (/dev/rmt/0cbn 1cbn 2cbn ...)
(/path/to/device should be for the device which is known by NetWorker)

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