Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Legato NEtworker nsrjb command example

Note: The nsrjb command is performed on a NetWorker server
with a jukebox attached.


A plain "nsrjb" command shows the volumes present in the
jukebox slots and in the jukebox drives.

nsrjb -d -P1 -S26

Deposit a tape cartridge from access port slot 1 (-P1)
to jukebox slot 26 (-S26).

nsrjb -w -S236 -P5

Withdraw a tape cartridge from jukebox slot 236 to
access port slot 5.

nsrjb -l -f /dev/rmt/0cbn B00341

Load volume B00341 into jukebox device /dev/rmt/0cbn.

nsrjb -l -f /dev/rmt/6cbn -S 26

Load a tape cartridge from jukebox slot 26 into jukebox
device /dev/rmt/6cbn.

nsrjb -u -f /dev/rmt/6cbn

Unload the tape cartridge in jukebox device /dev/rmt/6cbn
back to the jukebox slot it came from.

nsrjb -L -f /dev/rmt/2cbn -S 177 -b FULL

Load the tape cartridge in jukebox slot 177 into jukebox
device /dev/rmt/2cbn and write a label on it indicating
that it is in the FULL pool. This example assumes that
the jukebox has a barcode reader, that the tape cartridge
has a barcode attached, and NetWorker is configured to
automatically use barcodes for logical labels. This also
updates the media index database.

nsrjb -HE

Unload all jukebox drives and reset them.

nsrjb -IE -S307 -f /dev/rmt/4cbn

Inventory the contents of slot 307 using jukebox device

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