Friday, November 18, 2011

Solaris : ZFS clone 2

# zfs snapshot mypool/myfs@now
# zfs send mypool/myfs@now | zfs receive anotherpool/anotherfs
\\another fs will automatically be created. It is now copying all data. 1.5TB

1) machine0$ zfs send mypool/myfs@now | ssh machine1 zfs receive anotherpool/anotherfs@anothersnap
2) machine0$ zfs send mypool/myfs@now | zfs receive anotherpool/anotherfs@anothersnap

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UNIX: How to print column nicely using printf

[user@hostfwnms1-oam tmp]# cat printf "%-26s %-19s %-8s %-8s %-s %-s\n" HOSTNAME IP PING SNMPWALK 0-ok 1-fail for i in `cat n...